Pacolito Italian Phaze

Pacolito Italian Phaze


KC Registered Parson Russell Terrier 'Pacolito Italian Phase' - Tia is definitely the leader of the pack, a very sweet and loving dog, she loves to sit around your neck like a scarf and if she cant do that then she loves being snuggling in for a cuddle, or if the mood takes her, using you as a climbing frame, She is an affectionate and loyal girl.. She loves agility and is quite the show off so suits the show ring”.

Pacolito Itatian Phaze

Dam: On The Move Do Sopravento

Sire: Champion Pacolito Highly Prized At Dragonmoor


Pacolito Italian Phaze

Pacolito Italian Phaze

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Images of parson Russell Pacolito Italian Phaze
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